Rising Stars offers a diverse variety of services from web design, scouting location sets to your own personal assistant. Our goal is to ensure we help each client with their specific needs. If you see a service you are interested in, you may contact us via email or phone.

Web Site Services

*Web Design – We create from Scratch a website that matches your personality and profession. We use animation, Flash and many other programs to ensure you the best quality site with low prices. We give you unlimited updates for photos, news, blogs, links, and anything else you want to add to let your fans, casting agents, producers, managers and etc. know what you are currently working on. We also host your website on our server and this all comes in one package. We have many packages we will be happy to discuss via phone.

* Face Lifts – If you have a website and like it but want some changes to spruce it up and need help. We do what we call face lifts and make your website more appealing to the public eye without you having to change hosting services or webmasters.

* Hosting Services – Have a website and tired of dealing with a host service that never seems to get back to you? Problem solved. We will host your site on our server for an annual fee and not a monthly or bi-monthly fee. We stay in contact with you and should you need anything, we will provide you with help or service within 24 hours.

* HTML & Flash Coding – Trying to design your own site but having problems with getting the coding correct? Rising Stars will help teach you how to fix your site and get it up and running or do the coding to your perfection.

* Graphic Design – We design all kinds graphics from Logos, banners, business cards, name phrases, and much more to fit your website, company, name or anything you may be looking for to help you with your web presence. Nothing is to small or too big.


* Fan Mail – Currently, we handle fan mail for over two thousand clients worldwide. This is a free service to our clients who allow us to maintain their Website. This is a popular addition to any portfolio and allows for great success in creating a fan-client relationship.

* Personal Assistant – Our staff is 100% committed to your success. We offer a wide range of assistance which can range from on-line ventures to day-to-day tasks. Although we don’t deliver your “goods” in person, we are personally dedicated and always available to facilitate your individual needs. You will have a direct-line to us 24/7.


Charity Functions
Marketing Conventions
Public Appearance
Scout Location
Media Coverage
and much much more…

Rising Stars is fully experienced in mass media. Our staff will assist with organizing, networking and implementing your talent in this arena. We specialize in making you the STAR attraction at any event local or nationwide. Have a favorite charity and passion? Want to know where the best audition or “big break” will be?? Let us know….we will be glad to help!!

Just contact us via phone or from the form below and someone will return your call or e-mail within 24 hours.

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